Why, Joann? Why?

So… I was minding my own business the other day, when I saw the latest add for Joann’s fabric. Apparently the evil geniuses in their fabric development decided that the way to a quilter’s heart is with a sale on quilter’s cotton fabric prints. This isn’t anything new. They have sales all the time. But this time it got more personal. They had sea horse material right their in the flier that they mailed out. They sent nautical prints straight to my house!

I tried to resist, but… (okay really, I grabbed my purse and jumped in my car before the sales flier even hit the floor).


So now, even though I have other things to do- like grade papers that I don’t feel like grading- I am daydreaming about what patterns to use on the quilt that will be the first thing on my summer projects list.

Stay tuned for my actual hurricane season prepping activities.